What is Metabolic Syndrome?

What is Metabolic Syndrome?

Metabolic Syndrome is not a disease per se. This diagnosis describes a cluster of conditions including high cholesterol, high blood sugar (diabetes or pre-diabetes), high blood pressure, fatty liver and extra fat around the waist.⁠

Metabolic Syndrome may not pose any immediate complications or risks, but letting these issues fester and grow, will set you up for that heart attack or stroke in your 50’s or 60’s. While every individual is different in terms of health and genetics and the effects of poor diet and lifestyle habits, research shows that long term the effects of untreated Metabolic Syndrome lead to common complications such as Cardiovascular Disease (CVD), Diabetes, Obesity, Heart Attacks and Strokes and even some Cancers. Nowadays, nutrition related diseases are the main causes of poor life quality and increased mortality rates. These Metabolic conditions are greatly affected by diet and lifestyle, that’s why it’s so important to make changes toward an improved diet and healthier lifestyle.


What are the Signs of Metabolic Syndrome?

Metabolic Syndrome doesn’t have any direct and overt symptoms. The danger lies in their silence and letting conditions of Metabolic Syndrome worsen without any intervention can significantly deteriorate your levels of energy, focus, vitality and ultimately life quality. There are several conditions that contribute to Metabolic Syndrome:

  • Hypertension
  • High Cholesterol
  • High Triglycerides
  • Low HDL (good) Cholesterol
  • Abdominal Obesity
  • Pre-Diabetes or Type 2 Diabetes

In order to be diagnosed with Metabolic syndrome, you would have 3 or more of these conditions. Since these conditions are Metabolic disorders, some accompanying symptoms can possibly include chronic fatigue, poor digestion, irregular bowel movements,  inflammation, lethargy, difficulty concentrating, and low energy. Though these symptoms and the experience of Metabolic Syndrome varies between individuals as we are all unique. 


How Can You Treat Metabolic Syndrome?

It doesn’t have to be difficult or complicated and you don’t have to do it alone either!⁠ Because Metabolic Syndrome is the result of multiple conditions, it’s beneficial to seek professional care from a qualified nutritionist. This way you can get an individualized diet plan that is right for you in treating specific metabolic conditions. Depending on the severity of metabolic conditions diagnosed, your medical provider may prescribe medication treatment to improve your health measures. Thankfully, medications are very effective in managing metabolic diseases and with significant dietary and lifestyle changes, you won’t have to be on medications forever.


To make some positive changes in your diet and lifestyle, you can start by: 


  • Drinking more water⁠
  • Walking more every day⁠
  • Eating more fruits⁠
  • Eating more vegetables⁠
  • Getting your 7-8 hrs of sleep⁠
  • Asking for support⁠

Because diet and medications can interact with one another, it is important to seek clearance from your medical provider before making any significant changes. With the guidance from your doctor and nutrition professional, you can start on a plan that is effective and safe for you as you set out on your journey to transform your health.


Can Metabolic Syndrome be Cured?

The short answer is – Yes! Metabolic Syndrome and its related medical conditions do not have to be a permanent diagnosis. However, in order to reverse disease, you will  need to make significant long-lasting lifestyle changes. In addition to an effective therapeutic diet, regular physical activity, stress management, social connections and improved sleep quality are important components to not only reverse Metabolic Syndrome, but also to ensure long-term vitality and improved quality of life. 

While being diagnosed with a chronic disease can seem like a discouraging and permanent sentence on your health, it does not have to be. That’s why working with a Certified Nutritionist and experienced Health Coach can give you the accountability and support you need when it’s difficult to find the motivation and courage to practice healthier habits. Trying to battle diseases that have no experior symptoms makes it easy to forget the risk they pose to your health and future quality of life. That’s why we are here to support you and encourage you to take care of your body and mind so you can prosper for years to come.  


Aida Sadeghi MS,CNS

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